The New Years Eve Superlatives

  • Most highly recommended software by Jacob : Winamp 5
  • Best upcoming standup joke : "Well, I'll just write you out a check, doo doo doo, January third, two thousand three...god dammit" "Well, I'll just write you out a check, doo doo doo, March twenty seventh two thousand thr... DOH!"
  • Best new addition to Noe St. evening fun : Jessica and her face paint
  • Most overtold position in an evenening by Gene : Why Gene doesn't like MP3's
  • Best sport of the evening : Sean Keane
  • Cutest girl of the evening : Kristen Larson
  • Best costume : Katie Vigil as "nowar"
  • Most shit talking done by a Street Fighter II player : Chris
  • Biggest betting swing on said Street Fighter game : 4$ pot won by Gene, financed by Mike B
  • Coolest surprise guest : Rob Chiniquy
  • Sweetest plan of the evening : Gene and Mike ride to Mexico in February
  • Best technological aid to the countdown process : GPS synched cell phones
  • Most unexpected thing to run into while walking into my darkened bed room : Two people doing capoeira on the floor.
  • Nerdiest first thing to do upon waking up in 2004 : Check to make sure the apache logs dealt with the end of the year rollover ok By Gene