The Cairo Saga : continued

I'm still here in Cairo, and here is a summary of what's gone on. Went to the pyramids, walked around and marveled. Went to the Citadel and saw amazing mosques and military stuff. Went to the Egyptian museum for about 15 minutes then left in pain, went to doctor got muscle relaxant, went home and slept. I leave on a bus on Friday morning to go to St. Catherine's monastery to meet Dan. Not sure what I'll do today or tomorrow, but I'm sure I can figure it out. Mosquitos are unbeatable. Can't figure out how to escape them. Life is a lot more difficult here. Looking forward to western europe as well as having a traveling companion. Hope all is well back home. I miss it more than you can imagine.


  • kati says:

    I can’t get over that you actually saw the pyramids. In real life, and not in a book! That’s a trip. I mentioned to Ashley over coffee the other morning how, although I wouldn’t be seeing you now even if you *were* in the country, you still seem farther away than usual.
    I mean, you are farther away than usual. Of course. You’re in Egypt. I’m not sure what my logic is here. Or my point.
    I hope your muscles are okay. Damn muscles and mosquitoes trying to ruin your other-side-of-the-world adventure. Don’t stand for it. San Diego misses you, Far Away Man.

  • sean says:

    Muscle relaxants? Let me guess – wrenched your back, trying to walk like an Egyptian? Overly ambitious attempt at a human pyramid?
    Nurse V, he is indeed farther away than usual. I’d even say he’s in . . . Buttfuck Egypt.
    I got a million of ’em.
    By the way, if the Sphinx asks, it’s a man. Yeah, it’s a lame riddle.

  • robyn says:

    I probably *would* be seeing you right now since I am home with the folks for a few. But, you know, I can’t help it if you’d rather hang out with the sphinx…
    Please give Dan a very long hug from me.

  • didofoot says:

    what happened to your muscles? i like your muscles. don’t fuck with them. (or with sparkles.)

  • sean says:

    I’m sure he’s fine, Kristen. Why don’t you take a page out of those muscles’ book and just, you know, relax?
    (I also like his muscles)

  • didofoot says:

    i just got off the phone with him. i got all misty-eyed and sniffly when he defined “diametric” for me. oh that man of mine.

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