Happy Birthday Nurse V

I don't know why I like this picture of you so much, it just seems to really capture your essense somehow. It's so irreverant, comic and kicking-ass-and-taking-names that I think it's perfect. Happy birthday. You are the good stuff, and I'm lucky to know you and be your friend.


  • didofoot says:

    happy birthday kati! as soon as all this work nonsense is over and you have actual free time i vote we hold your birthday again so as to give you the celebration you deserve. and i vote we give you alcohol so as you get you to make that face again.

  • michele says:

    happy birthday, kati! i was just thinking about your birthday a couple of days ago when i was reminded it was fleet week and i happily reminisced about the grape-throwing squirrel and the tea garden crawdads. so i second kristen’s suggestions for future celebrations (and alcohol).

  • kati says:

    I had totally forgotten about that squirrel!
    Good thing Gene killed him with return-fire grapes.

  • Muammer says:

    Hi baby.I am Muammer from Turkey.How are you? I like you.My mobile number:+905337338020.Call me please.Bye..

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