Appendix of champions

I got home from the hospital yesterday morning. I was a bit out of it but not too bad. Friday night I had dinner and was feeling stomach cramps afterwards. They were constant but not too bad. I watched a movie with Kris and went to bed. I didn't sleep much since I was in a bit of pain. Woke up Saturday and through the day they continued. I called Kaiser and they said I should come into the ER and get evaluated. I took a bus over to Geary and went into the ER around 8pm. By 3am I had gotten a blood test, had drank a half liter of "Banana Smoothie" with barium sulfate suspension, had a CT scan, was dressed in my shoes, boxerbriefs and a backless gown, had been hooked up to an IV drip, and had been admitted to the hospital in anticipation of a possible appendectomy. I was in that bed, hooked up to an IV until Monday morning over which time I slowly got better (inexplicably). I had my first meal (not including the clear liquid and full liquid "meals" I had in the hospital) last night and feel fine. It couldn't have been worse timing though. I missed Nuala and Adie's birthday weekend extravaganza in Santa Barbara.


  • Dianna says:

    I liked Kris’s explanation that your cure was just a hard reboot. But does that mean that you’re Windows, or that Kaiser is Windows customer support? Since it worked, maybe it’s both.
    Put it this way: while I’d like to think of you as a stable and user-friendly Linux installation, I’d hate to think what that means if you’ve got Microsoft employees trying to fix you. Maybe it’s not so bad to be Windows.

  • sean says:

    I think we might have found a new weight-loss method. Imagine how powerful The Program could be if it involved barium sulfate suspensions.

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