I feel like I’m in the stream of significance

So a bit over a week ago, on the 16th, Jacob and myself went to the Sound Unbound: Strategies for Reconstructing Media lecture at UCB. The speakers were Paul D. Miller AKA DJ Spooky, Shepard Fairey, and two members from Four 7. DJ Spooky's vocation is obvious from the name, Shepard Fairey is a graphic artist responsible for Andre the Giant has a Posse, and Four 7 is a group of digital graffiti artists, avatars of information culture and media architects.

Today I find on memepool an entry titles "Whitney Houston vs. Kraftwerk and other fruits of plunderphonics and it's diy twin uploadphonix." with links to 21C Magazine which is a project of DJ Spooky's that he announced at the lecture. Now I know its lame and silly for me to feel somehow more important because I'm in the know about something on memepool, but I do. This is all predicated on the fact that I think memepool is somehow a zeitgeist bellwether (Band Name?). So check out 21C Magazine, it looks pretty cool.


  • gene says:

    Good eye! I checked it, and I hadn’t changed it from the timezone I was in when I was living in Germany. That’s how long ago, I last updated my blog. I cry.

  • michele says:

    did you notice that the comments are still in the wrong time zone?

  • michele says:

    well ok just my first comment. good lord look at this i’m eventually going to catch up with my future self at 7:27 this evening. that’s a little trippy.

  • michele says:

    i commented. why isn’t is showing up? why does it say you updated at 6pm? liars!
    i like this 21 page. they have interesting pictures. and also drunk high pennsylvania dutch amish teens.

  • michele says:

    ok. let me get this straight.
    1) you don’t have a job.
    2) you don’t have much of anything to do all day every day.
    3) and yet you NEVER UPDATE THIS PAGE.
    4) i am ashamed to know you. (not AS ashamed as forgetting the semen. (see jacob’s page) but still pretty ashamed.
    and THAT’S saying something.

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