Canoe in the Russian River

gonna sink
So, lets go Canoeing again! Everyone who came last time, if you had fun, let's do it again. A day trip up to the Russian River, canoes, lunch, swimming, sun, tons of fun. Each canoe is 45$, meaning that if there are 2 people who want to row in a canoe, it's 22.50$ each, or if two people want to row and one person wants to sit in the middle (they're big canoes) on the bottom of the canoe, or on a cooler, then you could split the cost up among the three of you how you please. Anyhow, here are the dates that look viable.
* sat jun 7
* sun jun 8
* sat jun 14 - I'll be out of town at my sisters graduation.
* sun jun 15 - I'll be out of town at my sisters graduation.
* sat jun 21
* sun jun 22
* sat jun 28
* sun jun 29
* sat jul 5 - Most everyone will be at Doug's wedding, though not me.
* sun jul 6 - Most everyone will be at Doug's wedding, though not me.
I am open to any of the available dates. Comment if you want to go and what dates you're free, and I'll organize it.
P.S. Here is the website of the place that we are gonna go. Burkes Canoe Trips


  • michele says:

    7-8 is when we’re moving nuala to SB i think.
    i like 21, 22, 28, or 29. i am good with any of those. i am MORE good with the saturdays.
    canoe-canoe, whoo-hoo!

  • erica says:

    i vote for 28th or 29th, since i’ll be pretending to be a mom all weekend the 21/22nd, while the girls’ parents are out of town. and i want to go canoeing this time! fun fun!!

  • sean says:

    I vote 29, but 28 is probably ok too.

  • michele says:

    i change my vote to sunday the 29th because i have a tattoo appt on the 28th. yey 29th! hecka 2-9 super 8 great! don’t get confused. and no, i’m not getting a new tattoo, i’m just touching up the wrist ones. …and uh getting a design drawn for a new one…goddamn addictive tattoo getting.

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