Come Canoeing on the 29th!

So it's decided, we're gonna go Canoeing up in the Russian River on June 29th. I'll put all the information about it up here and also the pairings of people to canoes. Just comment or call or email me letting me know if you want to go and if you have someone in mind that you want to pair up with.

Questions and Answers

  • When : June 29th, 2003 around Noon until around 5 or 6PM. The trip down the river takes 4 or 5 hours assuming we take some time to swim and eat lunch and stuff.
  • Where : Forrestville, CA
  • Where exactly : Where Mirabel Rd runs into River Rd in Forrestville. Here's a satellite image.
  • How much : Each canoe and paddles and life jackets is 45$. Each canoe has 2 seats so 2 people can paddle. The typical set up is for 2 people to share a canoe and each of them paddle being 22.50$ each (cash only, no credit). If 3 people want to join up to cut costs or because one person is lazy, and have 2 people paddle and one person sit in the middle of the canoe and hang out. If anyone wants to do the 3 person thing let me know and I'll give you suggestions about how to do it.
  • How long does it take to get to Forrestville : About an hour and 15 minutes.
  • Where are we going to leave from : We can caravan from my apartment in Berkeley. 1712 Ward St. Apt. #D
  • What time are we going to leave from Berkeley : We'll head out at 10AM, try to get to my place at 9:30 or a bit after. Make sure to eat breakfast before you come over or bring some food to eat on the driver up, canoeing takes a lot of energy.
  • What should I bring : (Listed in Order of Importance)

    So Vital that failing to bring these items, means you shouldn't go at all.

    • 22.50$
    • River shoes (Tivas, or some kind of sandle shoe that you can get wet, and still wear and that you can climb on rocky river bottom with. Old shoes work.)
    • Sunscreen


    • Lunch to go in the cooler
    • Drinks (it's gonna be hot and you will get very thirsty. Bottled water is a good idea) [No glass]
    • Change of clothes to leave in the car so you don't have to ride home wet.

    A good idea.

    • A hat.
    • clothes that you don't mind getting wet in
    • sunglasses
    • a pack to put your water bottles in and BUNGEE CHORDS to attach it to that canoe, so you don't lose it when the canoe tips over.

    I will bring a cooler and bungee chords to put in Jack and My canoe to keep the lunch. If someone else wants to bring a cooler and bungee chords, then we can fit more stuff. Optional however.

  • Where can I find more information on this : Check out the place that we're going, Burke's Canoe Trips

Who's going

I'll update this with the pairs of people as they get decided.

  • Gene and Jack
  • Kristen and Allen and Michele
  • Sean and Dustin and Dustin's Girlfriend
  • Jacob and Dianna
  • Ivan and Norm and a Friend
  • Kaveh
  • Melanie Schauweker and her friend Tracy
  • Erica and Jason


  • michele says:

    yes!! yes!! kristen, you rock my river world!
    tip my canoe,
    i’ll call you a hoe.
    splash me with water,
    i’ll whip up some batter.
    and make you a cake!
    make you a cake!
    irregardless of spelling does ‘canoe’ really rhyme with ‘hoe’? no, no it doesn’t. please adjust your pronunciation accordingly. COULD i have found something else to rhyme with ‘cake’ besides ‘cake’? yes, i probably could have. such as ‘in the lake!’ but that would just be absurd. who makes cakes in lakes?

  • gene says:

    I’m glad you’re quitting your job.

  • michele says:

    what are you trying to say? that my job is destroying my rhyming ability? because, dude, i can rhyme. seriously.
    i’ll miss you calling me at work when i don’t work anymoe.

  • gene says:

    Sorry for the typo (Thanks Sean). That’s June 29th not July 29th.

  • didofoot says:

    don’t forget, water also does not remotely rhyme with batter. this poem is totally pomo. how? i don’ know. thank you.

  • michele says:

    well it rhymed better than ‘canoe’ and ‘hoe’ did, and you see how i made that work with the pronunciation trick, right?

  • dianna says:

    hey, i’m going, damnit. i’m bringing a jacob with me, too.

  • sean says:

    I want to come, too. Shit, people be coupling off like it was Senior Prom and shit. Sign me up for a canoe with Nora, I guess.

  • michele says:


  • Kim says:

    I sadly cannot go, as I will be rowdily attending the A’s vs. Giants game. Plus, I never do anything so why should I start now?

  • gene says:

    Kim?!?!! Come on, it’s gonna be fucking awesome. Are you serious that your going to a baseball game on the 29th? Dammit. I was hoping that kind of stuff would have come up when I posted and asked about peoples availability. Your company would be ever so much more than welcome. If you have to go to the game I understand, but I think you’d have a better time canoeing.

  • michele says:

    come on kim. you can pretend to be nora. i’ll get you a wig and at some point you can slap my ass. my advice–start practicing suggestive remarks to make at kristen now.

  • nora says:

    ok sean. i’ll couple off with you. one more time in the name of nostalgia. we’ll canoe together to honor those who never had anyone to couple off with for events that require otherwise.

  • kati says:

    Sadly I’m going to have to pass. We’re in tech then.
    *come see Arms and the Man!* – shameless plug

  • dr v says:

    there’s an a’s vs giants game? excellent, maybe i’ll see you there.
    p.s. same sentiments on doing stuff

  • kaveh says:

    this sounds fun, and i wanna go. im open who to be paired up with.

  • kaveh says:

    by the way. im gonna be abalone diving in august when it reopens.. anyone open to that email me.. its easy and fun as shit.

  • gene says:

    Cool, do you know if Jacob is coming? (Lilja)
    You could pair with him. Or really anyone else.
    I’ll put you up on the site.

  • sean says:

    I call dibs on Dustin.

  • Ivan says:

    I’ll be there! Bringing a couple of friends too.

  • Cody says:

    Have fun y’all. It’s pride weekend so I’m playing in SF. Tip a canoe for me.

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