Pubnight Mailing List

So I've gotten the pubnight mailing list going. What does this mean you may ask. Well it means a few things.

  1. Now its feasible for anyone to propose a plan for pubnight. I've wanted from the beginning for this not to be "my thing" but everyone's. And now that's a reality. Now anyone can send out a pubnight email by just sending it to pubnight at cementhorizon and everyone will get it. That cementhorizon is
  2. I won't have to worry about who I'm forgetting to email and who I'm emailing that's wishing I'd stop bugging them about this stupid pub night thing. Everyone can on their own opt in or out over the web. You can send a link to the pubnight webpage, so that others can get in on the fun. Now pub night will be like Dr. Emma Russell wanted cold fusion to be in the movie The Saint.
  3. I won't feel guilty about sending out the invite hours before hand since anyone can send one out now. First one out wins.

Head on over to The Pubnight Mailing List page and sign up if you aren't already.


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