Sureal factor in suburban MA reaches level 8

I woke this morning on the floor of a friend of Jared's in Billerica. I looked outside to find a hot dark dreary rainy morning. I packed up and headed over to a McDonalds in a deserted strip mall. I got drive thru "breakfast" parked in the deserted lot and enjoyed the rain while I ate. A few minutes later a car drove into a parking space about 3 rows away and parked. A 25 year old fit looking girl got out in gym workout clothes (athletic pants, sports bra) and walked over to the parking space next to where she parked. It was really starting to rain pretty hard at this point. She took a hacky sack out of her pocket and began to play hacky sack by herself. She was pretty skilled. She did this for about 10 minutes, then put the hackey sack back in her car and pulled out three rubber balls which she proceeded to bounce juggle against the asphalt. She put these away, took out the hackey sack, continued for a few more minutes, packed up and drove off. It seems that nobody in Massachusetts cares about the rain, in that as this was happening the whole time a guy in a t-shirt and jeans was blowing the grass trimmings around on the giant unused lawn embankment next to the parking lot. By the time I left he was pretty much just shooting the water off of the wet grass up into the air.

I'm now at the colocation fortress again, and have just found that we won't get any more servers today, meaning that 58 servers are still in Boston, and we won't get them until tomorrow, leaving us with about 14 hours to rack and build 58 servers.


  • didofoot says:

    I can imagine her OCD list of daily necessaries:
    1. jog in place 32.3 minutes in burger king parking lot.
    2. hackey sack/juggle 10.6 minutes in mcdonald’s parking lot.
    3. kidnap neighbor child.
    4. go to work.
    5. one-person frisbee golf 6.8 minutes in jack-in-the-box parking lot.

  • sean says:

    Do you think this girl would be willing to don a bikini and play hackey sack with a shirtless fat guy, on camera?

  • didofoot says:

    “Tonight: The world premiere of the WB’s newest, hottest reality show…Fat Factor! Watch as skinny people from L.A. interact with the fattest fucks this side of the Midwest. Can they do it? Tune in to see on FAT FACTOR!”

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