Slashdot + Bittorrent = Biggest swarm I’ve ever seen

Slashdot posted a link to a bittorrent of Jon Stewart on CNN's Crossfire. As can be expected it immediately got slashdotted, however bittorrent reacts inversely to how a normal website works. The more traffic a website gets the slower it goes. The more traffic a bittorrent swarm gets, the faster it goes. I was pulling 375KBps (that's bytes, not bits) this morning over my cable modem.

Enjoy the graphic


  • Kim says:

    I read the transcripts and almost couldn’t believe it. Jon Stewart was saying some incredible things to the crossfire people, and I’m not sure if it’s worse for them or for him that they couldn’t take any of his comments seriously. Only problem… I can’t figure out how to open the file/ link/ whatever. I am completely computer-illiterate. It would be great to see this.

  • gene says:

    That’s the trick. It’s not like a normal file on a website. It workes entirely differently.
    Probably the easiest way to get the file, is to install the first Bittorrent client. Once you have go back and click on the link, and it will launch bittorrent and download it.
    I don’t use that client, cause it’s kinda weak (but totally does the job and is simple). I use Azureus cause it’s really cool.
    So ya, try it out, and see if it works for ya.

  • kati says:

    I downloaded it and got audio only.
    Is there any way to get the video as well?

  • gene says:

    Ya, I think it looks like it’s in the XVID format. You can go here, and install it.

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