grumble grumble grumble

You may have been wondering why our site has been intermittently unavailable for the last few days. If you're a diligent user, you would have noticed on the main page how it says to check out to find out what's going on.

Turns out our DNS providers problems are real, I'm not losing my mind. Here's what they wrote me back (after emailing the 3 times in 4 days).

Dear Sir/Madam,
thank you for your email.
Unfortunately there is a DDOS Attack on Nameservers. currently experiences extremely massive distributed denial
of service attacks against nameservers.
This affects the DNS resolution of itself, and also domains
which use the nameservers.
We condemn this attack on the sharpest, at the same time our network
department works very hard and does everything in order to achieve a
permanent solution.
We are very sorry about this incident and for any inconvenience this
may have caused.
Thank you for your understanding and with best regards,
your team


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