Surreal moments living in the Castro

I've been hanging out at home for days now sick as a dog, I came out to make some soup and am now sitting at my computer reading about all the ruckus going on at the end of the block. I'm reading about the filming etc. and the guy on the massive PA system directing all of the extras down the street who are simulating a march, hands the mic over to Carrie Fisher who recites a kind of a poem which takes her monologue that she records for Obi-Wan Kenobi and combines it with sentiments about gay rights. I really pray that this is actually happening and not just a result of my seemingly never ending fever.

1 Comment

  • didofoot says:

    “Sometimes I feel like I’m pressed up against the window of a bakery. Except I’m the bread.” -Carrie Fisher, Postcards From the Edge.
    That’s all I got.

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