• michele says:

    holy crap what are you trying to do? bankrupt me?!
    if only i could order things and have them delivered to me in line and then change into them all in the space of TODAY. but shit, dood, i am getting some new shoes.
    should we really dress us?

  • didofoot says:

    yes, we should definitely dress us.

  • michele says:

    hmmm…i don’t think i own any latex….and i’m skeptical that i could still fit in my corset. but i’ll give it a whirl i guess. and really, if it’s horribly uncomfortable i can take it off at a key moment in the film when neo and trinity are having wild sex anyway. than it will seem in the moment and flowing directly from screen to audience. yes! orgy! holy crap. wouldn’t an orgy at a movie theatre be completely awesome? let’s rent the dome! sex-cubby, ‘HO’!

  • didofoot says:

    actually, I was just mocking your use of “dress us” rather than “dress up.” I myself will be sporting my comfy supershirt and fashionable stylus sweatshirt.
    but in my brain, it will all be pleather.

  • michele says:

    whoops. my bad.
    you = boooooooorrrrrring.

  • gene says:

    I don’t own PVC, but I’ll wear my pleather jacket and dress pants.

  • didofoot says:

    I could wear sunglasses indoors if that would be helpful…I didn’t think it through when I left the house last night, is the problem. and haven’t been home since, and won’t be. alas.
    but I was thinking that if people were going to the black and white ball, which is far too expensive to actually go to, that a group could go as the matrix people. and I decided I totally call switch.

  • kati, who clearly doesn't know her Matrix characters says:

    Kristen, if I may ask – what exactly is a “supershirt”? And is Switch the cute little mouse-y one that dies in the first movie? No…wait. Maybe his name was Mouse. Shit. Switch must be the badass chick in white, yeah?
    Heh heh, Mouse because he was mouse-y and because of a computer mouse. Clever.

  • Jacob says:

    Switch was always my favorite, too. When everyone else is wearing black and being all angsty, it’s nice to see a little bit of a “switch” up. Plus, she had the pixie hair.

  • michele says:

    matrix! matrix!

  • Jacob says:

    I’ve read some pretty good spam comments in the past. But this one has become my favorite. Although it still doesn’t beat Fiscal K. Independible.

  • gene says:

    I agree, but unfotunately, it is spam and so it is now gone.

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