BBQ at our new place TODAY!

Short notice, but whatever. Come over to our new place and have some BBQ this afternoon. Come over before and hang out in our sweet pad or killer backyard. The apartment offers you nice seating, a beautiful view, and good music. The backyard offers landscaping, seats, pretty plants, and grills.

  • Where : Gene and Kris's place
  • When : If you want to hang out, come over anytime around noon or after. If you want to have food, come over between 4 and 4:30pm. We'll light the coals up at 5PM SHARP.
  • What [to bring] : Your grill item(s), and your drink(s).
  • How [do I get there] : Take the K L or M to the Castro stop. Come upstairs and head up Castro (up the super steep hill, North) for 1 block. You'll come to 16th (panting) and turn right. Go down 16th (down the steep hill, East) about 5 buildings, and you'll come to our building.

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